Migrantas | a visual language of migration and living together

Working with public urban spaces as a platform, Migrantas uses pictograms to provide visibility to the thoughts and feelings of people who have left their own country and now live in a new one.
Mobility, migration and transculturality are not the exception in our world, but are instead becoming the rule. Nevertheless, migrants and their experiences remain often invisible to the majority of our society.
Migrantas works with issues of migration, identity and intercultural dialogue. Their work incorporates tools from the visual arts, graphic design and social sciences. The founders of the collective, who have immigrated to Germany, develop their projects with other migrants in workshops. The resulting drawings are then condensed into pictograms and distributed in public spaces.


Workshops | Visual expression of one’s own story
Migrantas meets with migrants in their own collective spaces - organisations, community centres, cultural groups - and organizes workshops to reflect together on issues of migration. Migrants from very different national, cultural and social backgrounds, also with different residency statuses, exchange their experiences and express these in simple drawings.

Process | From drawing to pictogram
After a careful analysis of all the drawings from different workshops, migrantas culls key elements and common themes from the drawings and translates these central motifs visually and artistically into pictograms - a visual language and a language accessible to everyone.

Pictograms | Simplicity and strength of expression
Pictograms are the visual language of migrantas. Their simple, universally understandable images stir emotions: people from different backgrounds recognize themselves in the representations, while others gain new insights or modify their own perspectives.

Result | Recognition and visibility
All migrantas projects end with an exhibition. The participants now see their drawings presented in public and experience public recognition of their voices and social participation. Visitors to the exhibition receive an opportunity to become better acquainted with the experiences of migrant people.

Urban actions | Being a part of the city landscape
One of migrantas’ major goals is to make the pictograms visible in public urban spaces. They appear as posters where there is normally advertising, as projected digital animations on public screens, as flyers or postcards or shopping bags. Migrant´s perspectives and lived realities are taken out of the individual private space and made visible in the public space, thus creating an encounter which triggers reactions and self-reflection in the passerby

Workshops | Graphic expression of one's own history


Process | From drawings to pictograms

Piktograms | Simplicity and expression (Selection)



Results | Acknowledgment and visibility


Urban actions | Being part of the city landscape

2005 | Integration | Berlin

2006 | Interkulturelle Werkstatt | Berlin

2006 | Bilder bewegen I | Berlin

2007 | Bundesmigrantinnen | Hamburg

2008 | Bundesmigrantinnen | Cologne



2017/9 | Coexistence in the immigration society | A visual language of diversity | Brandenburgo, DE
Project to sensitize and raise awareness among students about important issues of coexistence in today's immigration society. Participants: Kinder von Golzow 4. 6. Kl., Grund- und Oberschule Carl von Ossietzky-Schule Werder 8. Kl., Freie Schule Angermünde 7., 8., 9. und 10. Kl., Goethe-Grundschule Kremmen 4. Kl., Freie Schule Baek Prignitz 6.Kl., Da Vinci Campus Nauen 6. Kl, Evangelische Grundschule Frankfurt (Oder) Kl. 4b., Astrid-Lindgren-Grundschule Wusterhausen/Dosse 5. Kl., Niedersorbisches Gymnasium Cottbus 7.Kl., Landweg e.V. Freie Schule und Kindergarten Prignitz 4. 5. 6.Kl., Leonardo Da Vinci Campus Nauen 6 Kl., Waldschule Oranienburg 4. 5. 6.Kl., Kinderschule Oberhavel 4. 5. 6. Kl., Grundschule Blauer Planet Schipkau 5. 6. Kl., Kinderakademie Eberwsalder 5. 6. Kl., Grundschule Friedrich Wolf Lehnitz 6. Kl., Werner-Seelenbinder-Grundschule Lübbenau 6. Kl., Montessori-Oberschule Potsdam 4. 5. 6. Kl., Frederic-Joliot-Curie-Schule Brandenburg an der Havel 4. 5. Kl., Grund- und Oberschule „Mina Witkojc“ Burg 5. Kl. , Oberschule Theodor Fontane mit Primarstufe Potsdam 6. Kl., Karl-Sellheim-Schule Eberswalde 4. 5. Kl., Dorfschule Wallmow Carmzow-Wallmow 5. 6. Kl. , Grundschule am Blumenhag Bernau 6. Kl., Montessori-Oberschule Potsdam 4. 5. 6. Kl.
A project of Kollektiv migrantas in cooperation with the State Integration Officer of Brandenburg. Funded by the MBJS and Integrationsbeauftragte des Landes Brandenburg.

024 | Our Library = Our Diversity | Personal Dedication | Berlin Tempelhof-Schöneberg, DE
Workshops in collaboration with: Eva-Maria-Buch-Haus, Theodor-Heuss-Bücherei, Edith-Stein Bibliothek together with representatives of MOsNeighborhood initiatives: Afganischer Frauenverein Berlin - MAH e.V. Deutschlibanesiche Freundschaftsgruppe e.V. Deutsch-Tamilische Gesellschaft e.V. Familienzentrum Nahariya Schule Nachbarschafts- und Selbsthilfezentrum in der UFA-FAbrik e.V. Frauengruppe von Waschküche, Kalima-Nachbarschaftsheim Scöneberg e.V. MigrArte Peru e.V., SpracCafe Polnisch e.V.-filiale Südkreuz- und Wanowa. Final presentation: with all participants, 154 drawings by the participants, a series of 13 pictograms on 2 roll-ups, the published posters, buttons and postcards to take away, visual impressions of the project and a pictogram bag and bookmark campaign in the Schöneberg town hall. Urban action: advertising columns, posters in public spaces, library flag, distribution of A3 posters, postcards and bags. Founded by: Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Soziales, Gleichstellung, Integration, Vielfalt und Antidiskriminierung im Rahmen des Partizipations- und Integrationsprogramms und House of Resources Berlin.

2024 | Voting works! - Strengthening democracy!  | images of coexistence in public space | Berlin, DE 
The campaign called on people with a migration background to participate in the elections and was also intensively promoted on social media to inform people about the European elections. With Allianz Ukrainischer Organisationen e.V., Club Dialog e.V., KulturMarktHalle e.V., Eed Be Eed e.V., La Red e.V., Migrantas e.V., Migrationsrat Berlin e.V., MoveGlobal e.V., Polnischer Sozialrat e.V., TBB-Berlin – Türkischer Bund in Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. und VIA Berlin/Brandenburg e.V. Founded by: Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Soziales, Gleichstellung, Integration, Vielfalt und Antidiskriminierung gefördert.

2024 | Drehbaren Geschichten Tempelhof-Schöneberg | images of coexistence in public space | Berlin, DE
The Interkulturelle Haus Schöneberg and Migrantas e.V. have launched the art project "Rotating Stories" together with the neighborhood. This interactive art object, consisting of rotating cubes on the front facade of the IKH, invites passers-by and visitors to think about and exchange ideas about important topics in the neighborhood. Over 200 votes were collected to select the topics that are most relevant to the neighborhood. On July 13, 2024, the art object was officially opened as part of the IKH summer festival. District Mayor Jörn Oltmann gave an opening speech and inaugurated the interactive art installation. Visitors were able to discover 48 images and messages on the topics of migration, flight and intercultural dialogue, as well as design their own pin buttons and tote bags. Gefördert: Bezirksamt Tempelhof-Schöneberg Berlin.

2024 | Rotating Stories Lichtenberg | images of coexistence in public space| Berlin, DE
The Association Verein für Aktive Vielfalt e.V. and Migrantas e.V. have launched the art project "Rotating Stories" together with the neighborhood. This interactive art object, consisting of rotating cubes, invites passers-by and visitors to think about and exchange ideas about important issues in the neighborhood. Over 200 votes were collected to select the topics that are most relevant to the neighborhood. The art object was opened on International Human Rights Day. Visitors were able to discover 48 pictures and messages on the topics of migration, flight and intercultural dialogue, as well as design their own pins and bags, complete a puzzle and take home or give away postcards and posters. Founded by: Bezirksamt Lichtenberg Kulturfonds Berlin.

2024 | I belong to it , making Afro-realities visible | images of coexistence in public space | Berlin, DE
Workshops and Berlin urban campaign in cooperation and collaboration with Sources Èspoir. Posters for subway campaign, carrying bag for painting action, city banners for urban campaign, postcard + mesh banner and roll-ups. Founded by: Sources dÉspoir durch Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Soziales, Gleichstellung, Integration, Vielfalt und Antidiskriminierung im Rahmen des Partizipations- und Integrationsprogram.

2024 | Mujeres Migrantes | images of coexistence in public space | Vitoria-Gasteiz, SP
On October 14 and 15, we held workshops with women with a migrant background in La Casa de las Mujeres - Vitoria-Gasteiz. Together with the Ayuntamiento de Vitoria-Gasteiz, Amekadi Koop - Facilitación y convivencia and Emakumeen Etxea / Casa de las Mujeres, we focused on networking, exchange and empowerment, with different stories of women with a migrant background being the focus. They chose which pictograms they wanted to place in the urban space of this city. The campaign, with 6 pictograms in different digital formats, will be presented between December 18, 2024 (International Migrants Day) and March 21, 2025 (International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination). Founded by: Ayuntamiento de Vitoria-Gasteiz und Amekadi Koop

2024 | Piktogramm-Aktion | images of coexistence in public space | Tokio, JP
Workshops On October 26 and 27, PASCH students who learn German at their schools took part in a pictogram workshop at the Goethe-Institut Tokyo. Together with Naoko Maeda, representative of Migrantas in Japan, the work of the association was presented. In this context, the students used pictograms to reflect on the experiences of refugees from a global perspective. At the end of the workshop, a publication was published. Founded by: PASCH und das Goethe-Institut Japan.

2023 | Rotating Stories Neukölln | images of coexistence in public space | Berlin, DE
For the 48StNk Festival, the associations and initiatives based in the Berlin Global Village were invited to think about the representation of life realities with regard to social participation in an intercultural district such as Neukölln. as part of past projects on the topics of intercultural dialogue, migration, gender, health, environmental protection, the labor market and colonialism. The most representative pictograms were selected together to be exhibited on an interactive art object with rotating cubes. During the festival, this art object was placed in front of the Berlin Global Village and invited people to interact with the images in different ways. The art object will remain in the urban area of ?the Neukölln district center Nachbarschaftsheim Neukölln e.V.. from the end of 2023 tothe beginning of 2024. Founded by: Partnerschaft für Demokratie Neukölln & Berlin Global Village.

2023 | Conversation in Bildern | We through art | Vienna | AT
Migrantas led a series of eye-level workshops in which 100 women with different migration histories living in Vienna and Austria captured their own lives in 189 drawings after visiting the exhibition "On Stage". These personal stories resulted in 17 pictograms that condense commonalities and transformed these experiences into collective voices. And these very voices became part of the exhibition they visited that day and were shown in public spaces. A project in cooperation with the NACHBARINNEN association in Vienna, the mumok - Museum of Modern Art Foundation Ludwig Vienna and the Migrantas collective as part of the EU project "The Floor is Yours"

2023 | Our Library = Our Diversity | Personal Dedication | Berlin Friedrichshain Kreuzberg |DE
Workshops in collaboration with: Pablo Neruda, Wilhelm Liebknecht / Namik Kemal und Friedrich von Raumer Bibliothek together with representatives of MOsNeighborhood initiatives: Bilingua e.V. - Verein für zwei Sprachen, Bunte Sterne* (Geflüchtete Frauen aus Afghanistan und Iran), DAS HAUS - Begegnungsstätte für Kindheit e.V., Digital-Café (c/o AWO Begegnungszentrum) / Digital Kompass - Mgh Gneisenau, Feministische Frauengruppe (c/o MigrArte Peru), Mah e.V. - Afghanischer Frauenverein Berlin, NI UNA MENOS Berlin, Nkul Beti Berlin e.V., TransInterQueer e.V. . Final presentation: with all participants, 177 drawings by the participants, a series of 14 pictograms on 2 roll-ups, the published posters and postcards to take away, visual impressions of the project and a pictogram tote bag and bookmark campaign in the BZB Pablo Neruda. Urban action: advertising columns, posters in public spaces, on library facades, distribution of A2 posters, postcards and bags. Founded by: Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Soziales, Gleichstellung, Integration, Vielfalt und Antidiskriminierung im Rahmen des Partizipations- und Integrationsprogramms und House of Resources Berlin.

2022/23 | Parcours of Change | 9 Stations in Public Space | Berlin |DE
In cooperation with: AG SPAS e.V. - BENN-Team Mariendorf-Tempelhof, Alice-Salomon-Hochschule Berlin (ASH), Andenbuch Buchhandlung Kulturraum, Haus der Nachbarschafft nachbarschafft e.V., HÎNBÛN Internationales Bildungs- und Beratungszentrum für Frauen und ihre Familien, Eulalia Eigensinn e.V., Interkulturelles Haus Berlin-Schöneberg (IKH), Javier Cura - Movement Expression Touch Nature, AQUItheater Berlin, Raices, Oyoun. The realisation of the project is made possible by a grant from the Projektfonds Urbane Praxis Berlin and is part of the initiative DRAUSSENSTADT, funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe.

2022 | I belong to it! | The black community expresses itself | Images of living together in public space | Berlin |DE
In cooperation mit Sources- dÉspoir e.V. im Rahmen des CrossKultur Festival Berlin. Exibition: Mittelpunktbibliothek Schöneberg. Concerts and Readings: Willy-Brandt-Saal im Rathaus Schöneberg. Founded by: Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa im Rahmen der Förderung für Bildene Kunst. With the kind support of the Interkulturellen Hauses-Schöneberg.

2022 | Our Library = Our Diversity | Personal Dedication | Berlin Lichtenberg |DE
Workshops in collaboration with: Elterninitiative Café8TV, Feministisches Zentrum für Migrant*innen e.V., Fondation Bolingo e.V., KuBaM - Kultur- und Begegnungsort für arabischsprachige Menschen, ?-Lichtenberg - Kultur- und Begegnungsort für Russischsprachige, Sprachcafé Vietnamesisch, Vereinigung der Vietnamesen Berlin-Brandenburg e.V., Verein für aktive Vielfalt e.V., VN10-Club, YAAR e.V. + BENN Hohenschönhausen-Nord, BENN Fennpfuhl and Anton-Saefkow-Bibliothek, Anna-Seghers-Bibliothek, Bodo-Uhse-Bibliothek. Founded by: Partizipations- und Integrationsprogramm des Berliner Senats und unterstützt von der Bürgerstiftung Lichtenberg, der HOWOGE Wohnungsbaugesellschaft mbH und dem Förderkreis der Lichtenberger Bibliotheken e.V.Migrantas e.V.
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2022 | Respect and appreciation | Images of domestic work in urban space | São Paulo |BR
workshops: Goethe-Institut, Arte na Lata, Agencia Solano Trindade. Participantes brasileños: Adriana, Adriane, Amanda, Ana, Ana Paula, Ana Paula C., Andre, Andreza, Angelica, Ariane, Azauane, Carla T., Claudia, Claudia J., Cristina, Cristina C., David, Dinair, Dora, Elizángela, Felipe, Ivánia, Jacqueline, Janaina, Janete, Julia, Juliana, Márcia, Maria Izabel, Marina, Marlene, Miquéias, Nilde, Osvaldo,Priscila, Priscila S., Renata, Ruth, Sandra, Solange, Talita, Tania, Thainá, Vanessa, Vanessa N. Drawings: 199, Pictograms: 18, Exhibition: Departamento Municipal de Cultura de São Paulo/Centro Cultural Santo Amaro, Urbana Action: Postcards, Posters, Carrier Bag, Facade Projections. A project by the Goethe-Institut São Paulo and Migrantas e.V. as part of the interdisciplinary festival "Frequenzen. Global Feminism". Executive production: Simone Lopes de Lira. Supported by the Goethe Institut São Paulo & Berlin
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2021/2020 | Our Library = Our Diversity | Personal Dedication | Berlin Pankow|DE
Workshops in collaboration with: Ein Lichtstrahl e.V., EVBK Elterninitiative, Kultur-Schmuggel e.V., KulturMarktHalle e.V, Colectivo de Mujeres MigrArte Perú, Sources-d'Espoir e.V, SprachCafé Polnisch e.V., Xochicuicatl e.V., Zaki-Bildung und Kultur e.V. and the librarys Henrich Böll, Januz Korczak y Wolfdietrich Schnurre. Pictograms: 9. Urban action: Banners, Roll ups, Posters, Postcards, Bookmarks, Bags. Founded by: Partizipations- und Integrationsprogramms der Senatsverwaltung für Integration, Arbeit und Soziales /360° Kulturstiftung des Bundes.

2021/2020 | Health & Wellbeing | Experiences in times of the COVID-19 Pandemie | London |UK
Pictograms: 13 on the lived experiences of Black and Asian Women (BAME) in the Kent and Medway areas during COVID-19. Research by Institution Diversity House. Urban action: banners, posters, postcards and bags.

2021/2020 | Mirroring Colonialism | 7 Reflections in Public Space | Berlin |DE
Workshop Experts: Dekolonisation process in migration (Llanquiray Painemal), Colonial dimensions of education and change of perspective (V. Germain und k. Ebob Enow AfricAvenir e.V.), History of cofee, the principiples of fair trade (M. Castillo und J. Valdez FairBindung e.V.), Body Mapping, Body and Colonialism (M. Zapata), Reproductive Justice & Colonial Dimensions of Medicine (Dr. E. Roig Center for International Justice), Towards pluriversal understanding of the world (J.P. Garcia Sossa & A.P. Mendes Savvy Contemporary e.V. & Marie-Elizabeth-Lüders-Oberschule). Urbane Action: Animation of the pictograms to a short film in the shop windows of Andenbuch Buchandlung-Kulturraum, Frauenkreise Berlin and OYA Kollektivbar during the International Weel Against Racism and as vospann in Hackeschen Höfe Kino, Postcards, posters and Streetbanners. In Cooperation with Frauenkreise Berlin. Founded by: Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa im Rahmen der Förderung Zeitgeschichtlicher und Erinnerungskultureler Projekte.

2021/2019 | The key to Potential ealth & Wellbeing | 7 Reflections in Public Space | Berlin |DE
Talleres: 44 participants. Drawings: 239. Pictograms: 19. Exhibition: Interkulturelles Haus Berlin-Schöneberg. Urban acction : 4 Banners, Bags, Postcards. In cooperation with Frauenalia gUG. Founded by: Europäischen Sozialfonds, der Senatsverwaltung für Integration, Arbeit und Soziales im Rahmen der Bezirklichen Büdnisse für Wirtschaft und Arbeit und des Bezirksamtes Tempelhof-Schöneberg.
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2020 | Agenda 2030 | Zukunftbürger*innen, an die Zukunft!| Berlin |DE
Workshop: 4/5/6 Learning group of the Montessori-Gemeinschaftsschule Berlin-Buch KARUNA e.V.. Participants: 23. Drawings: 54. Pictograms: 17. Exhibition: Stadtteilbibliothek Buch. Urban Action: Poster, streetbanner, postcards, pins, bags and stickers. Founded by: Berliner Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Kulturplakatierung Berlin und Imprenta Berlin.

2020 | Family, Relationsships & Living Together | Images of Migration in Public Space | Hamburg |DE
Workshop: Village - Artquadrat, Begegnungszentrum Alte Schule, Herzliches Lokstedt, Bürgerhaus Lenzsiedlung. Participants: 34. Drawings: 107. Pictograms: 21. Exhibition: as part of Familienforschungsprojektes POMIKU (Postmigrantische Familienkulturen) A research project by Lenzsiedlung e.V. Uni Hamburg and der HAW. Urban Action: posters, postcards and bags. Project: Win: Ideenwettbewerb für kultursensible Bildsprache. Diakonie Hamburg. Founded by: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Vorschung.

2020 | Drehbare Geschichten | Bilder des Zusammensleben in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf | Berlin |DE
Workshop: Online. Participants: 12. In cooperation with nachbarschafft e.V. Gefördert: Stadtfindetkunst

2020/2019 | Migrantischeperspektiven| Bilder der Migration im öffentlichen Raum| Berlin |DE
Workshop: DeZIM. Participants: 14. Drawings: 54. Pictograms: 9. Exhibition: Deutsches Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung e.V. (DeZIM). Urban Action: Digital Webseite, postcards, stickers, bags.Part of the DeZIM-Research project "Freundschaft, Partnerschaft und Familie - Normative Vorstellung junger Männer und Frauen mit Migrationserfahrung".

2020/17 | MyHealth | EU
The main aim of MyHealth is to improve the healthcare access of vulnerable immigrants and refugees (VMR) newly arrived to Europe, by developing and implementing models based on the knowhow of a European multidisciplinary network. MyHealth Project will focus on women and unaccompanied minors newly arrived in Europe (less than five years).
Project partners: Spain: Fundacio Hospital Universitari Vall D’hebron-Institut de Recerca (VHIR) (Coordinadores) | Institut Catala de la Salut (ICS-HUVH) | Asserta Global Healthcare Solution. Greece: Syn Eirmos NGO of Social Solidarity Astiki Etairia, (SYN-EIRMOS) Great Britain Consonant | University of Greenwich (UoG). Ireland: European Institute of Women’s Health (EIWH). Czech Republic: Fakultni Nemocine U Sv. Anny V Brne (FNUSA). Italy: Regione Emilia-Romagna (RER). Germany: PUK der Charité im SHK (CHARITE) | Migrantas e.V.
Project 738091/MyHealth, founded by the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020) | © 2017, MyHealth The content of this project represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it can not be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.
MyHealth-web Directory Berlin‘s medical practices  Pictograms Urban campaign

2019 | Partnership | Images of migration in the public space | Berlin-Buenos Aires, DE-AR
Participation in "Summit Culture 21" + panel discussion and postcard campaign, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, LAB workshop implementation of the Migrantas System with the students (BsAs). design akademie berlin, LAB workshop Implementation of the Migrantas System with the students and Urban Action (Berlin). 25th anniversary of the twinning between Berlin and Buenos Aires. Funded by: Der Regierende Bürgermeister von Berlin – Senatskanzlei und Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa, with the kind support of HVS Plakat GmbH.

019 | Bundesmigrant*innen | Images of migration in the public space | Oldenburg, DE
A flag against racism for diversity: In cooperation with the Pankow cooperation partner, a pictogram motif for the flag against racism was selected. In the future, the flag will fly to the International Weeks Against Racism, Diversity Day and other events at the town hall. Firm at the Panke: Under the motto “Pankow shows its colors! Against racism. For human rights. ”The associations presented their work at a large joint stand. Diversity Ball: Participation with bags-painting campaign. Urban action: posters, postcards, bags, hoist flag, buttons, stickers. Funded by: Bezirksamt Pankow.

019 | Bundesmigrant*innen | Images of migration in the public space | Oldenburg, DE
Workshops: Haus Welcome, IBIS e.V., DRK Begegnungszentrum, Treffpunkt Gemeinwesenarbeit Bloherfelde/Eversten und Migrationscenter Oldenburg. Participants: 100. Drawings: 262. Pictograms: 21. Exhibition: Bürgerbüro Mitte. Travelling exhibition: 7 Rollups Banners. Urban action: Posters, postcards and bags. Funded by: Amtes für Zuwanderung und Integration und des Gleichstellungsbüros Oldenburg.

2019 | Imagines - Diversity and interculturality| Images of migration in the public space | Linz, AT
Workshops: Arcobaleno Interkulturelles Begegnungszentrum + BFI Oberösterreich. Participants: 25. Drawings: 88. Pictograms: 21. Travelling exhibition: BFI Oberösterreich + Altes Rathaus Linz. 7 Rollups Banners. Urban action: Posters, postcards, bags, flag, and gigantographys. In Cooperation with Berufsförderungsinstitut Oberösterreich and Arcobaleno Interkulturelles Begegnunszentrum. Funded by: Integrationsoffensive II vom Land OÖ Austria.
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2018 | Ich-Erzählungen, ein Archivlabor der Migration | Images of migration in the public space | Berlin, DE
Workshops: Hînbûn - Internationales Bildungs- und Beratungszentrum für Frauen und ihre Familien, AWO, Interkulturelles Frauenzentrum S.U.S.I., TO SPITI Interkulturelles Frauen- und Familienzentrum Diakoniewerk, UGRAK Beratung - Kurse - Treffpunkt für Frauen Diakoniewerk Simeon, Xochicuicatl e.V. Lateinamerikanischer Frauenverein, Treff- und Informationsort (TIO) e.V. and open Workshop in Kommunale Galerie Berlin. Drawings: 230. Pictograms: 37. Exhibition: Kommunale Galerie Berlin. Urban Action: posters, postcards, silkscreen printed bags, gigantography, publication. Funded by:Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa im Rahmen der Förderung zeitgeschichtlicherund erinnerungskultureller Projekte und die Kommunale Galerie Berlin.

2018 | Gemeinsam sind wir stark - Gewaltfrei aktiv sein! | Images of violence in the public space | Berlin, DE
Workshop: Lisa e.V. Participants: 8. Drawings: 26. Pictograms: 3. Exhibition: Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlín. Acción urbana: digital animation on subway television on all lines of the Berlin network, postcards, stickers, screenprinted bags, banner. In cooperación with Animas-Film y Lisa e.V. Funded by Filia die Frauenstifftung.
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2018 | Death-Taboo | Londres, UK
Workshop: Greenwich University London. Drawings: 44. Pictograms: 14. Exhibition: Bridgewood Manor. Urban Action: Posters, banners, postcard, silkscreen printed bags. Funded by Learning Alliance for Palliative Care and End of Life Services (LAPCEL).

2017/8 | Let's get visible! | Images of migration in the public space | Hamburg, DE
Workshops: Verikom e.V. Participants: 55. Drawings: 100. Pictograms: 15. Exhibition: Besenbinderhof Hamburg. Urban Acttion : free postcards and silkscreened bags. Funded by IQ Netzwerk Hamburg - NOBI.

2017 | Our rights! | A visual language of diversity | Berlin, DE
Awareness and debate about the rights of children. A project for the Johanna Esck Schule school in cooperation with the AG School without Racism - School with courage. With the kind support of printing press Luis Drews. Funded by Berliner Projektfond Kulturelle Bildung Tempelhof-Schöneberg.

2017 | Pictograms in dialogue | Images of convivence in the public space | Buenos Aires, AR
Workshops in the Goethe-Institut and the Centro Metropolitano de Diseño, with 30 Women from different social and cultural backgrounds from Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, USA, Filipinas, Paraguay, Perú, Senegal, Uruguay and Venezuela. The Participants selected from already existing pictograms, which ones they would like to see in the exhibition and in the urban campagne. In the exhibition the guests intervened with the chosen Pictograms on the glass walls by writing on the speech bubbles around them. A project in collaboration with Goethe-Institut, the International Organisation for Migration; the TODAS program, organised by the Dirección General de la Mujer del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires; the “Los colegios, socios para el futuro” (PASCH) initiative and the Centro Metropolitano de Diseño. With support in urban campaign from the communication companies: IPG Mediabrands, Publicidad Sarmiento and Marca Urban. +info | +info
workshop | pasch | exhibition | urban_action

2016-7 | Some Value | Images of convivence in the public space | Innsbruck + Hall , AT
Workshops in : VIA – Produktionsschule, Jugendhaus Park in, Frauenaus allen Ländern, Frauenhaus Tirol. 41 participants from different social and cultural backgrounds from Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Germany, Iraq, Iran, Italy, Kurdistan, Morocco, Nigeria, Austria, Serbia, Slovakia, Somalia, Chechnya, Turkey, Uzbekistan. Transformation of 118 drawings into 22 pictograms. Presentation of the results and Picto-transfer-action on the opening day. Urban Action: Insertion from 6 pictograms in the public space through posters. Distribution of 150 bags with the pictogram "Menschenrechte statt Rechte Menschen" during the exhibition. Street art in Jugendhaus Park in. A project in collaboration with Initiative Minderheiten Tirol und ArchFem – Interdisziplinäres Archiv für feministische Dokumentation.Soziales.
workshop | exhibition | streetart | urban_action

2016-7 | Stories go round | Images of convivence in the public space | Berlin, DE
Explanation of the art object Topics of migration, identity, intercultural dialogue and coexistence were reflected in the intercultural Nähcafé in the Stadtteilzentrum Marzahn-Mitte on the 13th of December 2016. Visitors selected pictograms, which symbolize the most social participation in Marzahn-Hellersdorf. This art object reflects the intercultural reality of Marzahn-Hellersdorf and offers inhabitants the chance to have different views on their own neighborhood. The interactive object is located in Merzahn Hellersdorf until 17.07.17. Objet: idea, migrantas; realization: plott-o-mat und KUNSTWERKSTATT MARZAHN. A project of Migrantas e.V. in cooperation with Migrationssozialdienst in Trägerschaft der Volkssolidarität Berlin, financed by Senatsverwaltung für Gesundheit und Soziales.

2016 | Brauchst Du Hilfe | Do You Need Help | Images of violence in the public space | Berlin, DE
In Workshops: Eulalia Eigensinn e.V. und HÎNBÛN Internationales Bildungs– und Beratungszentrum für Frauen und ihre Familien. Pictograms: From 90 drawings of women of different residence status, cultural or social background who have experienced violence is a series from 19 pictograms designed. Exhibition: presentation of the results on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (25th Nov) and Picto-bag-action, with 90 original drawings of the participants, series of 19 pictograms and visual impressions of the project. Urban action: citybanner, postcards, poster, stickers. With the support from: Bezirksamt Spandau von Berlin: Abteilung Soziales und Gesundheit und die Frauen- und Gleichstellungs- beauftragt | Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Integration und Frauen and the Spandauer Netzwerk gegen häusliche Gewalt - Network against domestic violence.
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2016 | Peaceful coexistence | Images of migration in urban space | Zurich + Lucerne, CH
In July 2016 two workshop in Folium and Asylum center Sonnenhof Emmen. With 29 migrants and refugee with different national, social and cultural backgrounds from Afghanistan, Argentina, Bangladesh, Eritrea, Germany, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Colombia, Lebanon, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, Syrie. Development of a series of 21 pictograms. Exhibition: with 90 original drawings of the participants, series of 21 pictograms, visual impression of the project. and Picto-transfer-action on the opening day.
17:08 until 25.08.2016 - Folium - Kalanderpl. 6, 8045 Zurich. Urban Action: Insertion from three pictograms in the public space through posters. Distribution of 400 bags with the pictogram "No to Racism" during the exhibition. A project of migrantas as part of the art project Summerlab - Mythen.Muster.Migration. With the support by: Folium.

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2016 | On the Road | Images of migration in urban space | CDMX, MX
In April 2016 four workshop in Sin Fronteras, Casa de los Amigos A.C., Casa de Acogida y formación para mujeres y familias migrantes (CAFEMIN) y Casa Tochán were carried out togheter with 24 women, 1 transgender und 27 men from Argentina, Germany, El Salvador, USA, France, Guatemala, HAiti, Honduras, Italy, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Russia and Togo with a different residence status, cultural or social backround. Development of series of 23 pictograms. Exhibition: Presentation of the results from the project and Picto-transfer-action on the opening day. Urban action: 14.04 to 30.03 - Insertion from five pictograms in the public space through street art, Led screens, bilboards and digital dillboards. A project in collaboration with the Goethe Institut and Sin Fronteras. With support in urban campaign from the communication companies: 5M2, Clear Channel, Raksa and VGM Group. With the support from the Regierende Bürgermeister von Berlin Senatskanzlei Kulturelle Angelegenheiten within the Partnerschaft of Mexiko City and Berlin.
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2015/16 | Poster campaign | City Partnership - Berlin-Mexiko Stadt | Berlin, DE
Presentation of the results of the Mexican project "In Transit" in Berlin's urban space, as part of the city partnership between Mexico City and Berlin. Dezember - January
Berlin campaign supported by: The Governing Mayor of Berlin – Senate Chancellery – Cultural Affairs

2015/16 | Kinderrechte | Chlidren's Rights - A visual language of diversity | Berlin, DE
Project in cooperation with: Grundschule im Moselviertel und Hufeland Schule Berlin. Sponsored by the Programm Demokratie leben! Des Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend.

2015/16 | Zusamenleben | Images of migration in urban space | Ahlen, DE
Pictogram-Workshop & Poster Campaign | Pictogram workshop as part of International Women´s breakfast in collaboration with the Kunstmuseum Ahlen. Reflected together on migration, identity, intercultural dialogue and coexistence. The women have democratically chosen the pictograms that best symbolize the social participation from the city Ahlen. Poster Campaign on the International Day of Migration. A project under Demokratie leben!. Sponsored by : AWO Warendorf, Bürgerzentrum Ahlen and Stadt Ahlen.
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2015 | Montréal nous accueille | Images of migration in urban space | Montreal, CA
In October 2015 two workshops were carried out together with 45 women and 27 men from Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Canada, Colombia, Chile, China, France, Germany, Haiti, Iran, Martinique, Mexico, Peru, Turkey and Venezuela with a different residence status, cultural or social background. Development of a series of 22 pictograms. Presentation of the results and Picto-transfer-action on the opening day. Exhibition: From 17.10 to 28.10 with 189 original drawings of the participants, series of 22 pictograms and visual impressions of the project. Hôtel de Ville, 275 Rue Notre-Dame E, Montréal, QC H2Y 1C6, Canada. Free Cards and posters in Montreal city. A project in collaboration with the Goethe Institute and with the support of the Stadt Montréal, La Maisonée, le Carrefour de Ressources en interculturel und le Centre Lartigue.
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2015 | En Tránsito | Images of migration in urban space | México DF, MX
Workshop with migrants in transit. 3 women and 7 men from El Salvador, E.E.U.U. and Honduras from different social, cultural backgrounds and legal status. Casa Tochan, México DF. Development a serie of 15 pictograms. In the International Conference on Migration and Human Security presentation of the results and pictogram transfer action onto bags. Exhibition: 26 original drawings of the participants, serie of the 15 pictograms created by migrantas, selection of 8 pictograms in roll-ups, postcards, stickers, posters and visual impressions of the project. Cine Lido. Tamaulipas 202. Cuauhtémoc, México DF. Urban Action: 8 pictograms in posters, postcards and stickers. Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco (UNAM), Centro Cultural de España (EEC) Plaza Loreto Shopping, International Airport of México City (AICM). 3 pictograms for mass distribution. Project as part of Programa Conjunto de Migrantes en Tránsito, sponsored by Fondo Fiduiciario de las Naciones Unidas para la Seguridad in collaboration con Unidad de Política Migratoria SEGOB.
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2014 | North Station | Images of migration in urban space | Bergen, NO
A serie of 18 pictograms designed by migrantas as a result of 66 drawings in two workshops by 8 women and 5 men from different national, cultural and social backgrounds, and legal status, from the following countries: China, Denmark, Djibouti, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Serbia, Sierra Leona, somalia, United Kingdom and Uruguay. Carried out in November 2014 at Solfred-Laksevag and Room8-Bergen. Urgan Action on the occasion of Internationa Migrants Day 18th December: Street dislays in the city centre of Laksevag, Lille Lungardsvann and Bergen. A project in cooperation with Grafill Norway. Support: Grafill and Pictogram-me Bergen Academy of Art & Design.

2014 | Morada Intercontinental | Images of migration in urban space | Azores, PT
In October 2014 two workshops were carried out together with women and men from 20 different countries and cultures. 50 drawings. Development of a series of 15 pictograms. Exhibition and Pictogram-transfer-action in Aeroporto de Ponta Delgada, Sao Miguel. From 23.11 to 23.11 Free cards and posters in Angra do Heroismo, Horta, Ponta Delgada, Praia da Votoria and Ribera Grande. A project in cooperation with MaLA Cooperativa Cultural. Funded by Government of Azores.
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2014 | Wünsch dir was: Weltfrieden! | A visual language of diversity | Berlin, DE
"Make a wish: Word Peace!". In cooperation with Japanische International Schule München e.V. and Rheingau-Gymnasium, Berlin. Support: Japanische International Schule München e.V.

2014 | Die Stimmen der Bilder | Berlin, DE
How multicultural is Berlin? How charming is Berlin? How tolerant is Berlin? And what´s the word on the street? Voices of images (Die Stimmen der Bilder) is a participatory project in urban areas of Berlin.From July 21, 2014 to August 10, 2014 large-format banners with pictograms by migrantas will be on display at five locations in Berlin. The empty speech bubbles on the banners provide people in Berlin with the space to answer these questions. The results of this urban action will be shown as part of an exhibition held on International Human Rights Day on December 10, 2014. Funding: Beauftragte des Senats von Berlin für Integration und Migration.
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2014 | Zusammensein| A visual language of diversity | Berlin, DE
Togheter - Images of Diversity. A Project from migrantas and Book your Story!. In collaboration with Instituto Cervantes Berlin, HausRadio and Radio Europe-Estacion Sur. In cooperation with: Joan Miro Grundschule. Funding: Berliner Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung.

2013 | Berufsanerkennung | Images of migration in urban space | Hamburg, DE
Workshops about the professional recognition with the following associations: Colon Language Center and Verikom e.V. A serie of 10 pictograms was developed and exhibited from 28.03 to 22.04.2014 at Elbcampus Kompetenzzentrum Handwerkskammer. Urban actions: Selecction of 4 pictograms were put up in 70 of Hamburg´s underground stations and on around 200 columns throughout the city with a free cards campaign.
A project in cooperation with IQ Network Hamburg-Nobi and the Förderprogram IQ.
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2013 | Pictograms in urban space - Recognition & Visibility | Images of migration in urban space| Salzburg, AT
Artistic interventions - collaborative and self-organized practices.
Workshop-Objectives: Stimulate the discussion in the public space, create attention and awareness in the society. Participants : Maria Anastassopolous, Veronika Aqra, Eva Beneder, Elisbeth Eder, Abdirizak Farhan, Ali Hasan, Nora Moritz, Viktoriia Nasibullina, Julian Radam, Elisabeth Sturm, Florian Uibner, Jana Winkelmayer. Exhibition: 39 Drawings from all the participants, serie of 6 pictograms, the published posters and visual impressions of the project. Action: What: Distributed 150 bags with the printed-pictograms. Where: Schloß Mirabell. When: 11 October. Programmbereich Contemporary Arts & Cultural Production, Schwerpunkt Wissenschaft & Kunst, Universität Salzburg in Kooperation mit Universität Mozarteum. www.w-k.sbg.ac.at/conart

2013 | Bundesmigrantinnen- Images of migration in urban space | Berlin, DE
Since February 2013. Workshops held during February and April with the following associations: Xochicuicatl e.V., Treff- und Informationsort für Migrantinnen (TIO) e.V., TO SPITI Interkullturelles Frauen und Familienzentrum, UGRAK Beratung - Kurse - Treffpunkt für Frauen aus der Türkei, und Hinbun Bildungs- und Beratungszentrum für Frauen und Ihre Familien. Open Workshop at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt and Instituto Cervantes. Urban actions: August. Exhibition
from 9th to 27th August at the Rotes Rathaus, Rathausstraße 15-10178 Berlin, opening August 9th. Sponsored by: Senatskanzlei–Kulturelle Angelegenheiten in Bereich Interkulturelle Projekte, Haus der Kulturen der Welt und Beauftragte des Senats von Berlin für Integration und Migration.

2013 | Bundesmigrantinnen- Images of migration in urban space | Nürnberg, DE
Since April 2013. Workshops:
Friday 26.04. from 17 until 19 hs in Atelier des Kulturladens Villa Leon and on Samstag, 27.04. from 11 to 13 hs. Urban actions: July. Exhibition: July 2013 in the Villa Leon Philipp-Koerber-Weg 1, Schlachthofstr. 90439 Nürnberg. Sponsored by: Amt für Kultur und Freizeit/Inter-Kultur-Büro der Stadt Nürnberg.

2012 | Unsere neue Welt - A visual language of diversity | Berlin, DE
In cooperation with: 7. ISS Tempelhof-Schöneberg - Vörderverein der
Werner-Stephan-Oberschule e.V.
The students created through various forms of artistic expression, their "Images of Diversity", and on the world map they build bridges from their home countries to Berlin. They re discovered through photographs, drawings and collages their school, their home, their neighborhood and their city. Migrantas translated their drawings into three pictograms and printed postcards. Greetings in the various mother tongues on the steps and a large mural in the school show new immigration stories and cross-cultural identity of the new generation in Berlin. Funding: Berliner Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung

2011 | Europa-Kind + Europa-Schule - A visual language of diversity | Berlin's 'Europaschulen", DE
SESB: Aziz Nesin Primary School (German/Türkish), Joan Miró Primary School (German/Spanish) and the Finow Primary School (German/Italian).
In this project we will be working together with two school classes: one from year 5, and the other from year 6. The project itself will develop out of a dialogue with the school pupils, who come from German and various other family backgrounds. This should lead to the production of pictures highlighting the ways in which inter-cultural self-awareness is expressed in everyday life. How is multi-linguality and multiple belonging experienced when it has been part of daily life since a young age? The process through which individuals develop self-awareness of their own cultural experiences and learn to interpret them positively, is of central importance here. The aim of the project is then to portray this self-awareness in public spaces. This will be done via a fortnight-long presentation on the 'Berliner Fenster' on the city's underground train network. At the same time an exhibition in a central location will be held, and the press and everyone involved in the project is invited to the opening event.
Funding: Berliner Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung, Fördersäule 1, zweite Jahreshälfte 2011.

2010 | Hier und Dort Heimat - Neue Heimat – Zwischen den Welten | Zeppelin Museum Friedrichshafen,
Between March 5th and April 25th 2010 the Zeppelin Museum in Friedrichshafen exhibited “pictures of immigration at the local, national and international level”. On display were “works by artists who live and work in Germany, as well as pieces with a specific focus on the theme of migration”. Migrantas provided a number of exhibition pieces and organised a public action: individuals were invited to take part in a 'workshop station', where they were encouraged to draw about their own daily experiences and feelings of 'a new homeland'. By the end of the exhibition migrantas had developed three new pictograms which were then published as postcards.
Action: During the exhibition 1,000 bags printed with the pictogram 'homeland here and there' were distributed.
More information

2010 | Sevilla Plural - Images of migration in urban space | Seville, ES
This conference and presentation took place on February 11th 2010 and was held at the 'Universidad Internacional de Andalucía' (UNIA). In March 2010 workshops were held in various social centres in Seville which led to new drawings, audio, photos and pictograms to be developed. On March 17th these were then exhibited at the 'Oficina de Derechos Sociales' (ODS) in the 'Centro Vecinal de Pumarejo'. On March 18th, during an interactive art event ('Intervenciones en Jueves') held at the Calle Feria flea market, posters displaying images of migration were put up in the streets, and postcards were distributed during an urban action. This project was part of the 12th international ZEMOS89 festival - 'Microbios, seres vivos diminutos' which was held between March 15th and 21st 2010, together with ZEMOS98, and sponsored by the UNIA.

2009 | Postkarten-Sommer-Aktion - Exhibition held in the Alte Post in Neukölln | Berlin, DE
Migrantas put a selection of pictograms on display which were printed on postcards and posters. Photos of our projects and urban actions were also on display and were viewable on monitors. Thousands of postcards were also distributed during this exhibition.

2008 | Bundesmigrantinnen- Images of migration in urban space | Cologne, DE
This was a showcase project undertaken as part of the 2008 Cologne intercultural week, together with the 'Bühne der Kulturen'. It was sponsored by the city of Cologne and held under the patronage of Mayoress Angela Spizig. It included workshops with migrant women, urban actions with pictograms on posters and postcards, and an exhibition in Studio Dumont.

2007 | Bundesmigrantinnen - Images of migration in urban space | Hamburg, DE
In September 2007 nine workshops were carried out together with women from 20 different countries and cultures. During November 2007 pictograms were designed and then displayed to the public on three posters. These were put up in 70 of Hamburg's underground stations and on around 200 Morris columns throughout the city. An exhibition was held at the FrauenFinanzGruppe's main buildings between November 9th 2007 and January 17th 2008. It was sponsored by the Fonds Soziokultur (Bonn, Germany), the Hamburgische Kulturstiftung, and the FrauenFinanzGruppe-Susanne Kazemieh (Hamburg).

2006 | Interkulturelle Werkstatt - Supporting networks of migrant women and female artists living in Berlin, DE
This was an intercultural workshop which began with the creation of a network of migrant women's associations. Eight workshops were carried out which led to a campaign during which 29,000 free postcards were distributed via 450 restaurants and pubs in Berlin. Similarly 300 bags were also produced. Furthermore migrantas took part in an exhibition entitled 'Stadt der Frauen', held in the Kommunale Galerie in the district of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf between November and December 2006. This was sponsored by the state of Berlin (LSK), and the European Social Fund (ESF).

2006 | Bilder bewegen I - Setting interculturality and migration in motion | Berlin, DE
Five workshops were organised which led to a campaign using digital animations for TV. These were broadcast on the TV channel installed on Berlin's underground train network between November 21st and 25th 2006. An installation was also developed for the window display of the 'Galerie im Saalbau' in Neukölln, and was financed by the 'Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur', and Kulturamt Neukölln. Bilder bewegen II A campaign was developed under the auspices of the 'Ernst-Reuter-Initiative für Dialog und Verständigung zwischen den Kulturen' - a joint initiative started by the Turkish and German ministers of foreign affairs. This led to digital animations on Berlin's underground transport network being broadcast between December 18th and 23rd 2006.

2005 | Integration - Pictures of migrant women in Berlin, DE
Eleven workshops were undertaken with women from 19 different countries. A series of 21 pictograms was developed and exhibited in the 'Galerie im Saalbau' between September and October 2005. Three large format posters were installed in 90 bus stops in the district of Neukölln, and on three billboards in the districts of Kreuzberg and Neukölln. This project was financed by the 'Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur', and the Kulturamt Neukölln.

2004 | Proyecto Ausländer - Berlin-Buenos Aires 2003/2004, DE-AR
During 2003 a series of 12 pictograms were designed in Berlin. Between December 2003 and January 2004 the pictograms were installed in backlit advertising boards in the centre of Buenos Aires. Seven hundred booklets were published (Asunto Impreso, ISBN 9789505330010) – currently out of print. This project was sponsored by Publicidad Sarmiento.



2019 | Presentation + Urban action| | Weinmeisterhaus - Jugendkulturzentrum Mitte l Berlin | DE
Participation in "" Conexión Humboldt ": science, art and culture for a sustainable world". Presentation + urban action: postcards, bags. Funding: Goethe-Institut e.V.

2019 | Exhibition + Urban Action | Museum Europäischer Kulturen l Berlin | DE
Participation in the exhibition ”comiXConnection” - drawings, pictograms, participatory workshop. Urban action: stickers, buttons. Funded: Museum of European Cultures, National Museums Berlin, Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation.

2019 | Conference | Buenos Aires-Berlin, AR-DE
As part of the anniversary of the 25-year twinning between Berlin and Buenos Aires. Participation in the "UCGL Culture Summit BA2019" PANEL B4 - Talent that Transforms: The Role of Independent Culture in a Community. Usina de las Artes. Funded by: Der Regierende Bürgermeister von Berlin Senatskanzlei und Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa.

2018 |Urban Action| Train Gallery and Cultural Center | Bratislava | SK
The Connections exhibition is about connecting. Connecting passengers travelling in the train filled with art, also connecting the pieces, countries and other people. Free postcards and stickers are delivered to all passengers.

2018 | Action + Urban Action | Wiedergeburt - images of convivence in the public space | Berlin, DE
Through a participatory workshop Migrantas builds a bridge between experiences of migrants living in other districts of Berlin or cities, and experiences of residents in the vicinity of the art market hall by means of a visual language. The exterior facade of the Kulturmarkthalle shows a symbolic dimension through pictograms reflecting some aspects of social participation and the history (s) of the place.

2018 | Workshop + Urban action | AWO Center Berlin l Berlin | DE
Migration, identity, intercultural dialogue and living together were reflected in the intercultural AWO meeting center, in the Kreuzberg district. Multicultural participants from different generations have selected in the course of the workshop which best symbolize their social participation in Berlin. This banner installed in the public space reflects the intercultural reality of the city proposed by its inhabitants.

2017 | Conference + Participative Action| Universidad Pablo de Olavide l Sevilla | ES
Master class + participatory action: selection of 8 pictograms with dialogue balloons, printed in large size to be intervened with the reflections of the students.

2017 | Conference | Kunstuniversität Linz in Wien| Linz | AT
Participation in the Conference:"Kunst und Revolution"

2017 | Conference | CitizenKcenter | Berlin | DE
Participation in the meeting: Frauen Migration & Kunst. In cooperation with Fieber Festival, CitizenKcenter, Mamis en Movimiento e.V. and Frauentreff an der Wuhlheide.

2017 | Participatory Action | Centro Cultural Recoleta | Buenos Aires | AR
Master class + participatory action: selection of 6 pictograms with dialogue balloons, printed in large size to be intervened with the reflections of the public.

2017 | Exhibition + Democratic Action | Bienal Iberoamericana de Diseño | Lisboa | PT
Participation in the exhibition "New World. Visions through de Ibero-American Design Biennial. 2008-2016" Palácio dos Condes da Calheta, Jardim-Museu Agrícola Tropical (Belém) junto a la Universidad de Lisboa – Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência (MUHNAC). Participatory action: the visitors select the pictograms that are part of the urban campaign.

2016 | dar bellarj CONVERSATIONS | Marrakesch Biennale 6 | Marrakech, MA
Part of the program of BABEL DES LANGUES / dar bellarj_CONVERSATIONS, an installation of the artist Hanako Geierhos on the subject of communication, tolerance and empathy within the exhibition „Narrating transformed“ curated by Heidi Brunnschweiler, a partner project of the 6th Marrakesh Biennale. Presentation of migrantas projects followed by a lecture by the anthropologist and sociologist Eleonora Castagnone on the categorization of different forms of migration with a focus on the „transit“ countries: Morocco towards Europe and Mexico towards the USA. The audience took part in the discussion and could also express or deepen their own thoughts through drawings. Realization of postcards with 10 selected pictograms in French and cloth bags with a pictogram to take-away.


2016 | 5th Ibero American Biennial of Design (BID) | Matadero Madrid | Madrid | SP
The jury awarded a mention to the project: On the road - Images of migration in urban space - CDMX.
The Ibero-American Design Biennial (BID), organized by the Fundación Diseño Madrid, takes place every two years in the Design Center of Matadero Madrid and is the most important event in con- temporary Ibero-American design. The exhibition extends over time through its itinerant exhibi- tions that are held individually or within other festivals, meetings or design schedules. Previous BID editions exhibitions have been in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Uruguay, Guatemala, Co- lombia, Cuba, Costa Rica, Panama and Hungary spreading good Latin American design.

2016 | IX Meeting of Development Cooperation | CODOPA | Asturias, Spain DE
Roundtables on “Sealed Europe: Migration and Refuge” with: Maryam Namazie: (spokeswoman for Fitnah - Movement for the Liberation of Women, Equal Rights Now, of the One Law for All campaign against Sharia law in the country of Great Britain, and is a member of the Council of Former Muslims of Great Britain. Toni Martinez: reporter for La Marea. Author of the book “The CIE, the Spanish Guantánamo” Cristina Sánchez: journalist. Director of the RNE Program “Countries in Context”. Rafael Marcos: announcer at Radio Kras. Fotomovimiento: collective project, photographic and communication that was born in Barce- lona in May 2011 within the social movements of 15M in Plaça de Catalunya. Organized by CODOPA (Coordinadora Asturiana de Organizaciones No Gubernamentales para el Desarrollo), Auditorium Palacio de Congresos Príncipe Felipe de Oviedo

2016 | Book Selected Europe | Visual Inspiration 16 | SP
A quality collection of inspiring and creative projects related to visual art and design. Modern concepts and communication ideas have been selected, printed and distributed in this collec- tion from all around Europe. Selected Book Manager: Hernan Ordoñez- Design Cover: Gabri Alonso www.selectedinspiration.com/book

2015 | Exhibition + Conference + Participative Action | Internationaler Frauentag | Neubrandenburg | DE
Frauenaktionswoche. Partizipation
im Rahmen des Frauentags 2016. Hochschule Neubrandenburg, Rathaus der Stadt Neubrandenburg, Landratsamt des Landkreises Meckenburgische Seenplatte / Deutsche REntenversicherung. Organisiert von: Gleichstellungsbeauftragte Hochschule Neubrandenburg.
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2016 | Wanderausstellung + Vortrag + Postkarten Aktion | Hochschultag alice solidarisch | Berlin | DE
As part of the University Conference "Alice Solidarisch die Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin engagiert sich. Kontakt aufnehmen, Potenziale einbringen, Perspektiven entwickeln" migrantas presents her exhibition with a lecture and a postcard action: five different pictograms as postcards to take away for free.

2016 | Workshop +Urban Aktion | MetroZones | Berlin | DE
As part of the project: metroZones | PRODUCING / HACKING PUBLIC SPACE
Hacking space by digital media sounds & images | Multiple audiences, voices and public media | audibility, visibility, much unanimity, network-based cultural practices.

2016 | Conference + Participative Action | FRAUENMÄRZ - Weibsbilder - Bild der Frau | Berlin | DE
Fotoaktion + Tragetasche Aktion. Gemeinschaftshaus Lichtenrade, Argentinische Botschaft und Rathaus Schöneberg. Organisiert von Bezirsamt Tempelhof-Schöneberg von Berlin. Abt. Bildung, Kultur und Sport. Amt für Weiterbildung und Kultur. Dezentrale Kulturarbeit.
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2015 | Panel discussion and Exhibition | Jüdische Lebenswelten in Deutschland heute | Berlin | DE
Part of the exhibition "Jüdische Lebenswelten in Deutschland heute". A project from Zeitbild Stiftung, sponsored by Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen and Jugend, Bundesprogramms Demokratie Leben! Aktiv gegen Rechtsextremismus, Gewalt und Menschenfeindlichkeit.

2015 | Conference | In/Visibility and Difference: a Visual Methods Workshop |Bard College Berlin | DE
A Two-day Workshop with international researchers, activists and artist. Organized by Humboldt Universität und Bard College Berlin.

2015 | Exhibition | Frauengesundheit: Rosige Zeiten? | Berlin | UK
Travel exhibition part of the 22. AKF Jahrestagung. In cooperation withArbeitskreis Frauengesundheit in Medizin, Psychotherapie und Gesellschaft e.V.

2015 | Publication | Visible Signs - An Introduction to Semiotics in the Visual Arts | UK
Each chapter provides an overview of a particular facet of semiotic theory, with inspiring examples from graphic design, typography, illustration and art to illustrate the ideas discussed in the text. Author: David Crow - ISBN 9781474232425

2015 | Publication | Pictogramas de señalización - Interdisciplinary perspectives | CO
Migrantas: towards pictograms new language - Author: Cristina Figueroa Palau. Jorge Tadeo Lozano University. Publishers: Beltran Vega, F. and Duran Arias.

2014 | Publication | AEP-Magazine | Austria
Thoughtout migrazine.at - Nr 2-2015 the AEP digital edition is printed for the first time in magazine version wih the name "Throughout migrazine.at" and is the result of 14 stations collecting journalistic editorial work of the last six years. Editors: Assimina Gouma, Radostina Patulova, Cris Tasinato and Vina Yun. Migrantas accompanies each chapter with photos of urban actions.

2015 | Exhibition | National Library | Hamburg | DE
Travelling exhibition on the occasion of the German Diversity Days. The travelling exhibition organised by the migrantas collective entitled a visual language of migration was on display between the 3rd and the 20th of June.

2015 | Workshop Embassy Pictogram | W3 International Cultur and Politic | Hamburg | DE
Conference and workshop in which the participants printed in bags the pictograms that represents himself.

2014 | Masterclass | IED Design School | Barcelona | SP
The conference focuses on the unique process through wich sketches are developed into creative pictograms and hoy migrantas uses them to express and make visible the every day experiences and feelings of migrant citizens, showing the results of the numerous socio-cultural projects that migrantas have undertaken between 2003 and today.

2014 | Workshop Embassy Pictogram | Museumsbund | Berlin | DE
Invited by Museumsbund for the Programm: Kulturelle vielfalt im Museum. Workshop + Pictogram Printing on bags.

2014 | Exhibition | BID | Madrid | SP
Invited by BID cuarta edición de la Bienal Iberoamericana de diseño. Organized by Dimad and Central de Diseño Matadero Madrid.


2014 | Urban Action + Exhibition + Panel Discussion + Printing on bags | 20 years of twinning | Berlin - Buenos Aires
Mai - Buenos Aires: Urban action: Medianera: 7mx15m, Santa Fe 5118 - 20.6 to 30.6 -
Support: Initiative and Marca Urbana | Led-Backlight - Cabildo corner Juramento - 16. to 31.5 - Sponsored by: Initiative and Publicidad Sarmiento Exterior | September - Berlin: Panel Discussion + Exhibition + Printing on bags + Stadbanner + Free postcards: 29.09 Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut - Preußischer Kulturbesitz Postdamer Straße 37 - Berlin. Support: Botschaft von Argentinien, der Senatskanzlei Berlin and des Ibero-Amerikanisches Instituts | October - Berlin: Presentation + Printing on bags - 2.11 - Centro Metropolitano de Diseño, Algarrobo 1041, Buenos Aires. Support: Senatskanzlei Berlin.
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2014 | Conference + Participative Action |
Visibility | Bergen Academy of Art and Design | Norway | NO
Can illustration be used as an activist tool? For the seminar: Visibility - The International Illustration Venue" migrantas present Visual expression of one´s own story, printed a publication and offerd a participative action in the Gallery Room 8, Bergen.
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2014 | Exhitition + Participative Action |
Weissensee MACHT Vielfalt | Bürgeramt Weissensee | Berlin | DE
For the Aktionsplans Weissensee-Heinersdorf migrantas present an exhibition for the visualization of migrants in urban space and offerd a participative action with bags, free postcards and flyers.

2014 | Exhitition | Bewegte Räume | OÖKulturQuartier | Linz | AT
On the roof space, which is closed to the public this year, the collective has set up a sign announcing a building site for an Angels’ Landing pad for 2015, as next year HÖHENRAUSCH will deal with angels and their doppelgängers. The questions raised on the sign open up a thematic field that ranges from our origins to communication with higher powers, all the way to birth and death.

2014 | Conference + Participative Action| Visualization| Diakonie Wuppertal| Wuppertal | DE
Part of the project Migrationsdienste-Unsichttbar. An exhibition for the visualization of migrants in urban space. Free postcards and flyers. From 05.06 to 06.06.2014. Diakonie Wuppertal Ludwigstraße 22 - 42105 Wuppertal.

2014 | Exhitition | Woche gegen Rasissmus | Kulturzentrum Tollhaus | Karlsruhe | DE
During the International Week Against Racism 2014. An exhibiton for the visualization of migrants in urban space. Free postcards and flyers. From 01.03. to 31.03.2014. Kulturzentrum Tollhaus. Alter Schlachthof 35, 76131 Karlsruhe.

2013 | Exhitition + Conference + Workshop | Migration, Identity and Intercultural Dialogue | Bündnis für Demokratie und Toleranz | Berlin | DE
Conference and exhibiton of the posters from 2007-today, workshop wich participants in bags printed the pictograms that represents himself.

2013 | Exhitition + Conference | Ich bin deine Nächste | Klagenfurt | DE
Participation in International Migrant Day. Support by: Familienservice der Landeshauptstadt Klagenfurt am Wörthersee | Projektgruppe Frauen | Österreichischer Integrationsfonds | Stadträtin Andrea Wulz | Bürgermeister Christian Scheider

2013 | Exhitition | Mut zur Wut | Erinnerung, Krise, Künstlerische Intervention | Berlin | DE
Conference on urban spaces as sites for artistic processes and socio-political interventions and performances.

2013 | Conference + Workshop | Spuren der Migration in Kunst | Gmunden | AT
5. Dialogforum - Summer School 2013 Donau Universität Krems Zentrum Für Migration Integration und Sicherheit Schloss Gmunden Österreich.

2013 | Conference| Berlin Buenos Aires | Erinnerung, Krise, Künstlerische Intervention | Berlin | DE
Conference on urban spaces as sites for artistic processes and socio-political interventions and performances.

2013 | Exhibition| Kunst und Migration| Kunsthalle Bahnitz| Bahnitz | DE
Kunsthalle Bahnitz From 4.05 to 15.07. 2013 - Curators: Bodo Rau, Rafael López Borrego andLisa Schmitz. Kunsthalle Bahnitz - Dorfstr.1 - 14715 Milower Land / Ortsteil Bahnitz an der Havel.

2013 | Exhibition | Eine visuelle Sprache der Migration | Freie Universität Berlin | Berlin
In the context of the International Women´s Day. An exhibition on the visualization of migrants and their perspectives. From 11.03 to 30.04.2013. Freie Universität Berlin, Habelschwedter Alle 45, Foyer vor den Hörsälen. On the initiative of the zentralen Frauenbeauftragten der Freien Universität Berlin.

2012-2013 | Exhibition - Conference| Gegenwartskunst in Referenz zu Otto Neurath | Künstlerhaus k/haus | Wien
In commemoration to the 130th anniversary of Otto Neurath's birth, art historian Maria Christine Holter and artist Barbara Höller curated an exhibition investigating the significance of Neurath's pictorial ideas for visual arts at present and for global communication. The show focuses on various strategies for using pictograms and pictorial statistic in realizing communicational aims, particularly in the clear and powerful visualization of political, social, global or purely individual agendas. 13th December 2012 through 17th February 2013. Opening: Wednesday, 12th December 2012, 7 p.m.
Cooperations: Austrian Museum for Social and Economic Affairs (founded by O. Neurath in 1924), Institute Vienna Circle at the University of Vienna (IVC). Media cooperation: DER STANDARD.

2012 | Exhibition - Conference | Interkulturelle Bildung als Herausforderung und Chance - Eine Schule für alle entwickeln | Ludwigsfelde, Germany
The Berlin Senate Department for Education, Youth and Sience (SenBWF) organized on 21st of March along with the LISUM - National Institute for School and Media Berlin-Brandenburg the conference for teachers of secondary education in order to develop cross-cultural organization of school life and teaching. Migrantas presented their project "Europa-Kind + Europa-Schule". .

2012 | Exhibition |
Your voices: On Motherhood | International Museum of Women.
Artists, writers, photographers, and filmmakers around the world were invited to submit their creative work about various issues related to motherhood. The online exhibition explors moving work that showcases the feelings, perspectives, and experiences of motherhood from all over the globe. Six pieces were selected by a prestigious international jury as finalists for IMOW's Community Choice Award. Migrantas participates with various pictograms.

2011 | 18 December - International Migrants Day |
Distribution of free postcards in Hamburg and Buenos Aires
These initiatives are part of the global action of the Immigrant Movement International
Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg + Mamba.Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires.

2011 | Exhibition and conference | OBITen - XI JORNADA TÉCNICA about foreign immigration in Tenerife | 1.12.2011
Integration as a shared process | Aula Magna of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Campus de Guajara, University of La Laguna, Tenerife (Spain). Migrantas about "Being a part of urban space: mobility, migration and transculturality"

2011 | Metropilitan Award for Integration and Tolerance | Initiative Hauptstadt Berlin e.V.
For the fourth time and under the patronage of the Minister of State to the Federal Chancellor and Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration, Maria Böhmer, a renamed jury granted migrantas with the second prize. The ceremony was attended by the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Angel Merkel, who gave the introductory speech. The event was held on the 13th April in the atrium of Deutsche Bank, Unter den Linden, Berlin.
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2010 | Exhibition | Rethinking Migration in Times of Economic Crisis in Europe - Internacional Conference | Haus der Kulturen der Welt | Berlin
Migrantas put an exhibition on display, which included pictograms, photos and text, as part of this international conference. The convention was organised by Network Migration in Europe e.V., in cooperation with the University of Bremen's Geography Department and the 'Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung' (Federal Agency for Civic Education). It took place between December 9th and 10th.
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2010 | Exhibition and conference | MhiC - Museo de historia de la migración de Cataluña | Spain
Between October 5th and December 12th the Museum of the History of Immigration in Catalonia exhibited works of migrantas including original drawings, several series of pictograms, and images of urban actions. The exhibition compliments a presentation by the members of migrantas on the day of the opening and a public action during which postcards were distributed.
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2010 | Participation and urban action | A Festa dos Mundos | La Fábrica de Santa Cristina Cultural Center, Oleiros | A Coruña, Spain
As part of 'A Festa dos Mundos' migrantas participated in a discussion forum, held on August 7th, on cultural diversity and integration. During an urban action 2,000 postcards and hundreds of badges displaying pictograms were distributed to the festival's visitors by four assistants at Playa de Santa Cristina, Oleiros

2010 | Exhibition and conference | Conference on intercultural communications and art | Sala Victoria and Filmoteca de Andalucía in Córdoba, Spain.
This conference took place between April 9th and 11th and was organised by 'Córdoba Acoge' with the aim of bringing together and exchanging experiences about intercultural communications and artistic expression. New forms of art and culture were presented which developed out of the processes of globalisation and migration. Migrantas participated with an exhibition and a talk.

2010 | Conference | Tuning into Diversity | Millenaris Center, Budapest, Hungary. February 25th and 26th 2010.
This conference was organised by the Hungarian broadcaster MTV and the Dutch NGO Mira Media. Representatives of ethno-cultural minority organisations and media professionals from 20 different European countries were present. The conference aimed to further an understanding of the increasing cultural and linguist plurality present in the European media, to present a forum for discussion and the exchange of ideas, and to strengthen communications between the media and minorities. Migrantas participated with an information desk.

2009 | Exhibition | verborgen:gesehen – Bilder gesellschaftlichen Wandels 6 | With the cooperation of the Schader-Stiftung and the Hessisches Landesmuseums Darmstadt | Schader-Stiftung Gallery| Darmstadt, Germany
From October 31st 2009 to January 31st 2010. It accompanied a catalogue of events and an extensive program which included a discussion with the artists from migrantas on January 15th 2010.
Action: 1,000 postcards printed with the pictogram 'Sind wir anders' (are we different) were distributed during the exhibition.

2009 | Conference | Do you remember Olive Morris? | Gasworks | London, UK
Between November 21st 2009 and January 24th 2010, Gasworks London organised an extensive program in honour of the civil rights campaigner Olive Morris. This included a series of discussions and talks entitled 'Documenting Migration'. Migrantas was invited to take part in the discussions on December 5th 2009.

2009 | Book TASCHEN | Brand Identity Now! Winning brands from around the world | Julius Wiedemann (ed)
Provides an in-depth analysis of the leading brand and communication campaigns from around the world. The 384 page, multilingual edition (German, English, and French), published by Taschen, includes a detailed essay about the migrantas collective. The essay, entitled 'Migrantas Initiative - Hieroglyphics for Democracy - From personal experience to social message', illustrated with pictograms and photos, was written by Enrique Longinotti, an Argentinian professor of graphic design. “Brand Identity Now! Is the principal work of reference in its field.”

2009 | Book front cover and illustration with pictograms | Unsere Wirklichkeit ist anders - Migration und Alltag | Dirk Lange and Ayça Polat (eds) | Bonn
Migrantas was commissioned by the 'Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung' (BPB) to illustrate this volume from their 'Perspektiven politischer Bildung' series. A photograph of a migrantas poster was placed on the front cover, and each of the book's five main themes were introduced using a series of pictograms.

2009 | Participation in an exhibition | Einmischung erwünscht! 60 Jahre Grundgesetz | BPB in cooperation with the German Historical Museum (DHM), Berlin | Bonn
The German constitution came into force on May 23rd 1949. To mark this anniversary the BPB and the DHM developed an exhibition which was inaugurated on the first night of the 'Langen Nacht der Demokratie' in Bonn, on May 23rd 2009. The exhibition included texts, pictures, multimedia elements and other components which told the story of the formation, history, and development of the German constitution.
The exhibition was divided into 9 sections and migrantas illustrated the part entitled 'Entwicklung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zum Einwanderungsland'. Migrantas constructed a 'photo wall' which displayed pictures documenting one of our poster actions and pictograms. This exhibition was also on display in numerous other German cities including: Hannover (Ernst-August-Galerie), Karlsruhe (university), Brühl (Fachhochschule des Bundes für öffentliche Verwaltung), Weimar (Atrium), Mühlheim an der Ruhr, and Berlin (Bundeskanzler-Willy-Brandt-Stiftung).
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2009 | Participation in an exhibition | man spricht Deutsch | Haus der Geschichte | Bonn
This exhibition focussed on the form of the contemporary German language. Migrantas provided a poster 'Sind wird anders', and pictogram 'Die deutsche Sprache', and their associated drawings. The exhibition 'man spricht Deutsch' was on display in Bonn, in the 'Haus der Geschichte' between Decmebr 12th 2008 and May 3rd 2009, after which it was displayed in various Goethe Institutes in Germany and abroad.

2009 | Front cover design | Migrations and Mobilities, Citizenship, Borders, and Gender | Seyla Benhabib and Judith Resnik (eds) | Published by NYU Press at Yale University
The renowned Yale professors Seyla Benhabib, professor of political science and philosophy, and Judith Resnik, professor of law, invited migrantas to illustrate the front cover of their new book. Migrantas illustrated the cover with a pictogram entitled 'In between two worlds'.

2008 | Conference | MAS Design Culture | Salon de Recherche | Departement of Design, Design2context, Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland
Over the last few years the department of design has invited guests from near and far to take part in its 14 day public, interdisciplinary research forum called 'Salon de Recherche'. The aim is to publicly debate research results and methods, which transcend each participant's background. The migrantas collective was a guest at the conference and took part on October 9th 2008.

2008 | Participation in an exhibition | European Governance of Migration - International Conference | Heinrich Böll Stiftung | Berlin
Migrantas was invited by the Heinrich Böll Stiftung to present pictograms, photos and texts from our projects to the international convention entitled 'European Governance of Migration - The Political Management of Mobility, Economy & Security'. The conference took place between September 17th and 19th 2008.

2008 | Participation | 'Die Migranten' - Tania Bruguera | IN TRANSIT 08 - Haus der Kulturen der Welt | Berlin
Florencia Young and Marula Di Como from migrantas took part in this one year long project called 'Die Migranten', a project developed by Tania Bruguera, a Cuban-US performance artist. She created a remembrance archive made for, and by, migrants along with its own party, workshops and empowerment strategies.

2008 | Internet exhibition | ZWISCHENRAUM - Gallery of Art & Migration | Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
Migrantas was invited by 'ZWISCHENRAUM für Kunst & Migration' to present our work as part of ZWISCHENRAUM's online gallery. ZWISCHENRAUM focuses on the subjects of migration, refuge, and cultural diversity. Their aim is to provide a space for the transitory re-interpretation of interior and exterior, and the self and the foreign, using the language of painting, photography and literature.

2008 | Talk | The opening event of 'Klappe, die Zweite!' | Berlin
Migrantas was invited to share experiences relating to the question: 'How do I think diversely?' This was the opening event of the first country-wide networking meeting held on February 22nd and 23rd, as part of the two-year long project entitled, 'Kulturelle Bildung an Ganztagsschulen. Klappe, die Zweite!' which was organised by the 'Deutschen Kinder- und Jugendstiftung'.

2007 | Participation in an exhibition | Messe Import Shop | Meine Deine Unsere Welt - Kulturen in Bewegung | Berlin
Migrantas put its posters and pictograms on display in this exhibition aimed at providing an understanding of the meaning of 'foreign'. The exhibition was held as part of the development policy curriculum for school classes and policy influencers, in cooperation with NGOs from Berlin and Brandenburg between November 7th and 11th. It was organised by KATE – the 'Kontaktstelle für Umwelt und Entwicklung e.V.' (Berlin).

2006 | Participation in an event | Border Games Lounge | Berlin
La Fiambrera Obrera, a group of artists from Madrid, invited migrantas to work with them on a presentation and discussion about migration. This took place in Dr. Pong, on February 4th, and was organised by the Berliner Gazette as part of the transmediale 06.


Travelling exhibition | Wanderausstellung

This travelling exhibition presents the results of the numerous socio-cultural projects which migrantas have undertaken in Berlin, Buenos Aires, Hamburg and Cologne since 2003. Bilingual texts and numerous images are used to explain the work we have done together with hundreds of migrant women. The exhibition focuses on the unique process through which sketches are developed into creative pictograms and how migrantas uses them to express and make visible the everyday experiences and feelings of migrant women.
The exhibition is suitable for congresses, conferences, and symposia on migration and integration, as well as for display in public institutions and is accompanied by a presentation given by members of the Kollektiv migrantas.



The following museums hold posters and postcards from migrantas in their collections:

Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin
Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn
MAMbA Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires
Le Bois du Cazier Museum Marcinelle Belgium
DOMID Dokumentationszentrum und Museum über die Migration in Deutschland e.V.
MhIC Museu d´história de la immigració de Catalunya


Bundesmigrantinnen | Images of migration in Germany's urban space

After completing our highly acclaimed projects in Berlin, migrantas successfully expanded to other cities in Germany, including Hamburg in 2007, Cologne in 2008, Berlin in 2013, Nuremberg in 2013 and Oldenburg in 2019. By making contact with local government representatives in numerous places, migrantas began developing a network which enabled us to further our socio-cultural project 'Bundesmigrantinnen – Bilder der Migration im öffentlichen Raum'. Pictograms which reflect the feelings and daily lives of migrant women not only highlight many of the often quite local trends in the participants' migrational and cultural backgrounds, they also depict the specific perceptions and realities of life in Germany's various cities and regions.
We would be very happy to work together with individuals from other cities, local government, and social or cultural institutions in order to continue our project, 'Bundesmigrantinnen – Bilder der Migration im öffentlichen Raum'.







migrantas team

The migrantas collective receives no funding for its day-to-day work. Instead, the collective´s work is made possible through the commitment of its freelance members. The diverse projects undertaken by migrantas, as well as those in wich the collective participates, rely on direct funding or funding provided through partner organisations. Although the actual form of funding granted depends on the location and purpose of each project, it always remains strictly project-based. migrantas has received funding from various institutions, and in the following, these organisations are clearly stated alongside the relevant projects.

Marula Di Como (graphic artist) has been using pictograms as a means of artistic expression since 2000, in
Buenos Aires and worked together with Florencia Young (graphic designer). Both met again in Berlin in 2002 and started “Proyecto Ausländer”, it´s about their experiences and feelings to be foringers in Berlin. In 2004 with the idea to spanded the project to womens from differents cultures, origins, residence status, cultural or social backfround decided to invite Estela Schindel (sociologist) and found together the collecive Migrantas. 2006 Irma Leinauer (urban planner) joined the collective, as did Alejandra López (journalist) in 2007 and Francesca La Vigna (political scientist) in 2013. Since 2019, Anemone Vostell (cultural manager) supports the organisation and mediation of the project. In 2011 Migrantas has been awarded with the Hauptstadtpreis für Toleranz und Integration (“Capital City Award for Tolerance and Integration”) Initiative Hauptstadt Berlin e.V. En el año 2022 has been awarded wwhit the 15. Landesintegrationspreis Brandenburg.

Marula Di Como
Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and has lived in Berlin since 2002. She is an artist, and has been exhibiting both on her own and with other artists installative, collaborative and participative since 1987 in dfferents formats , media. She developed their work in a context marked by the materiality of the tension between image and word, the relationship with nature, the sound, the feminine condition and the urban space. Her work can be found in international museums, foundations, and private collections.

Florencia Young
Born in Buenos Aires and has lived in Berlin since 2002. She studied graphic design at the UBA (Buenos Aires), and has taught typography at a number of universities. She specialises in corporate identity design and multimedia stations, but is also involved in art installations and interdisciplinary projects.

Estela Schindel

Born in Buenos Aires and has lived in Berlin since 1999. Dr. sociology.

2005: Integration, 2006: Bilder bewegen, Interkulturelle Werkstatt, 2007: Bundesmigrantinnen Hamburg, 2018: Ich-Erzählungen.

Irma Leinauer
Born in Peiting, Germany and has lived in Berlin since 1985. Urban Planner.
2007: Bundesmigrantinnen Hamburg, 2008: Bundesmigrantinnen Köln, 2009: Postkarten-Sommer-Aktion, 2010: Sevilla Plural, Hier und dort Heimat, 2011: Europa-Kind + Europa-Schule, 2012: Unsere Neue Welt, 2018: Ich-Erzählungen.

Alejandra López
Born in Resistencia, Argentina and has lived in Berlin since 2001. Journalist.

2007: Bundesmigrantinnen Hamburg, 2008: Bundesmigrantinnen Köln, 2009: Postkarten-Sommer-Aktion, 2010: Sevilla Plural, 2018: Ich-Erzählungen.

Julia Dócolas
Born in Porto Alegre, Brazil, lives in Berlin since 2009. Journalist and Human Resources Manager.
2013: Bundesmigrantinnen Berlin und Nürnberg

Francesca La Vigna
Born in Rieti, Italy and has lived in Berlin since 2009. MA Political Science.
2016: Brauchst du Hilfe?, 2017-20: My Health, 2018: Ich-Erzählungen, 2020: Mirroring colonialism

Sandra Feferbaum
Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and has lived in Berlin since 2013. Graphic design (UBA)
2017: Zusammenleben in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft, 2018: Ich-Erzählungen. 2020: Mirroring colonialism

Carolina Mantilla
Bucaramanga, Colombia, and has live in Berlin since 2005. MA International Relations, Diplom in Finanz und International Bussines
2019: My Health

Micaela Sanchez
Quito ,Ecuador and has live in Germany since 2013. Social scientist, MA Latin American Studies
2024: Unsere Bibliothek = Unsere Vielfalt, Persönliche Widmungi Tempelhof-Scöneberg.

Lelia Fabiana Perez

Simon Phillips (En) | Julia Dócolas (Pt) | Francesca La Vigna (It) | Cecile Belmont (Fr)

Vocational trainees
Take part on the Project Bundesmigrantinnen: Julia Dócolas (2013)
Taken on as part of LEONARDO DA VINCI programme in association with the 'Fundación General de la Universidad de Salamanca': Ana de Dios (2010); Ursula Mateo (2006); Eugenia Carranza (2006); and Neus Torres Bonet (2005).
For the Erasmus Programme: Emma Anduix (2010). For the Alice Salomon University of Applied Siences Berlin: Ricardo Sousa y Margarida Ramos (2014). Eva Peces Guerrero (2015), Bard College Berlin: Clara Canales (2016), Universidad de Palermo- Bs.As.: Ailen Iza (2016). Alice Salomon University of Applied Siences Berlin: Sara Lopez Henao (2019) + Jessica Dolan (2022).


We thank you for your support:

Bank details
Migrantas e.V.
Postbank Nürnberg


Contact information

Gemeinnütziger Verein migrantas e.V.
Vorsitzende: Martin Iannaccone
Stellvertretender: C. M. Nijensohn
Kassiererin: Karin Kupke
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
Registernummer: VR 34406 B
Am Sudhaus 2 - 12053 Berlin

Responsible for the content of this website in accordance with paragraph 5 of the German Teleservices Act (TMG § 5): Marula Di Como und Florencia Young.
Although external links were carefully chosen, we take on no liability nor shall we be made liable for the content of websites linked from this site. The content provided by these links is the sole responsibility of the external content provider.

All rights reserved. This website is protected by copyright in its entirety. No part of this website may be reproduced or published or alteration in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of both Marula Di Como and Florencia Young. This includes all pictograms, data, texts, graphics, photos, drawings, pictures and all other parts of this website.

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